I have three great excuses for introducing you to Jessi today: 1) She recently passed her skills assessment and is our newest Volunteer Babywearing Educator, 2) Our volunteer Board of Directors for our chapter was recently elected for the year, and Jessi is our new VP which includes the duties of Volunteer Coordinator, and 3) she is totally awesome.
Jessi started babywearing to make life with newborn twins a little more manageable. For the last year she has been exploring *all* the carrier options, is now a brand ambassador for the TwinGo carrier, and is our go-to resource for caregivers with tandem carrying questions. When Jessi is not on Supermom duty, she is a pediatric advanced practice RN, and we are so happy she has chosen our BWI chapter as another venue to help support babies and their caregivers!
Jessie was kind enough to answer some questions to help us get to know her!
Has anyone ever said anything funny or so totally wrong about babywearing when they saw you carrying your child?
I get “Oh! I didn’t realize you have one on your back, too!” when I tandem wear my twins a lot. I also once had a lady run at me screaming “Stop! She can’t breathe under there!” when I went to put my babywearing jacket on with my daughter on my back while leaving the cafe at Target.
What is one question you hear from new or non-babywearers most often?
I tandem wear in public quite a bit, actually more than I do at home because it makes errand running and shopping easier. I always here “Isn’t that heavy? Doesn’t your back hurt?” I respond with saying “This is cake compared to being pregnant with them!”
What is your favorite carrier in the library?
The size 5 Storchenweige Leo Marine. It is soooo wonderfully broken in. It was the first wrap I ever used, first successful tandem wrap and I believe it has magical superpowers. It lead me to a long and twirly rabbit hole!
What is one piece of advice you give to friends interested in learning to wear their babies?
If you are frustrated with a carrier, don’t quit on babywearing. Attend a BWI meeting and get hands on help. There are SO MANY options, and they all have their challenges and perks. Sometimes you just need to figure out your sweet spot. Also, keep practicing. We have all been there and my “outtake” feed ofbabywearing photos is just as long as the pretty ones with ideal carries.
What is your carrier “unicorn” – that one carrier or wrap that you would acquire if money and availability were no object?
Oh, shoot. This is constantly evolving. Currently, I would say a handwoven wrap meh dai conversion, likely a cotton/hemp blend, maaaaaybe bamboo. It would be lovely boring shades of beige and/or gray (I have a really brave color palette). I could also be swayed into this just as a wrap, but I would never be able to decide on a size. So, how about a base AND a matching shortie so I can do the perfect beautiful tandem wrap job with it?
What is your favorite benefit, or any good thing, that you’ve experienced with babywearing?
Babywearing saved me. I have no idea how I would have taken care of twins if I hadn’t learned to wear one (and then two). It was like giving me another set of arms.
Can you point us to any “hidden gems” in St. Louis, or a favorite place to hang out with your kids?
At least once a week when the weather is nice, you can find me and the kiddos at Pint Size Bakery in Lindenwood Park. We walk there (often wearing, sometimes rocking the giant jogging stroller). Their BLT muffins are to die for, (because, BACON) and walks there while on maternity leave gave me brief moments of sanity, except the day their expresso machine broke and I nearly cried. The baristas still like to tell that story.
We couldn’t be more excited to have Jessi join our team of volunteers as an educator and member of the directing board. And I have the *perfect* solution for anyone wanting to get to know Jessi better: become a volunteer! We always, always need more volunteer help and Jessi will be heading up the team that makes sure everyone who wants to volunteer can find the spot that suits them best. Feel free to contact us any time!