BWI of STL Gateway was established to serve the local babywearing community, and as that community is ever growing, we would love to get to know our individual members a bit more and let you all know how much we appreciate you! One of the ways we’re doing that is by occasionally hosting giveaways for free babywearing mini sessions with local photographers. Rachael was a recent winner and was able to enjoy a babywearing photo shoot with Carrie Rife Photography, and graciously answered a few questions for us as well!
Rachael first heard about BWI of STL Gateway from a friend and has enjoyed trying out library carriers since she became a member earlier this year.
What is your favorite thing about wearing your baby?
[My little one] and I are less stressed when I wear her; it allows me the ability to clean, cook, and so much more all while sharing those moments with her.
Can you help us get to know our city a little bit better? What is your favorite place to take your kids outdoors?
The zoo is our favorite outdoor activity aside from swimming.
Favorite place to take your kids indoors?
The Sportsplex has a great “Flip and play” weekly activity.
As much as we love babywearing, we know it’s not actually magic. What’s one thing that just doesn’t work when babywearing, even if you want it to? (For me, it’s eating salad with a kid in a front carry. Dressing on the head every. single. time.)
I haven’t figure out how to use the restroom while baby wearing and I sure wish I could, it would be so much easier (since [my daughter] has learned how to crawl out from under a stall; yuck)
[Editor’s note: We have all had this thought, weather we want to admit it or not. Somebody offer a solution here!!]
Let’s just pretend babywearing actually *is* magic, and you suddenly have unlimited time and resources to pursue a new (or old!) hobby (without neglecting a single kid!). What would it be?
Oil painting or sewing or working a job I get paid for would be nice… lol
Thank you, Rachael, for being a member, participating in our giveaway, and sharing with us! You and your daughter are so beautiful in these pictures, and we enjoy having you at meetings!
Be sure to say hi if you see Rachael at a meeting or around town!
Also many thanks to Carrie Rife Photography for partnering with us to offer a free mini session. If you are interested in a local babywearing photo shoot, feel free to contact Carrie through her website or Facebook page!